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What is the book of Galatians about in the Bible? Galatians teaches that believers are justified solely through Jesus. They are part of a diverse family and are equipped by the Spirit to love God and everyone else.


Background of the Book of Galatians:
Christianity had begun as a Jewish messianic movement in Jerusalem, but its message was for all humanity, so it quickly spread beyond Israel. By the time Paul became a missionary, there were as many non-Jews as there were Jewish people in the Jesus movement. This conflict of cultures sparked major debate that came to a head in the events recounted in 
Acts 15. Historically, the covenant people of God were from one nation, Israel, and they were set apart by practices commanded in the Torah, like circumcision of males, eating kosher, and observing the Sabbath. There were many Jewish Christians who believed that for non-Jews to truly become a part of God’s covenant family, they needed to obey the laws of the Torah as well. Some of these Jewish Christians had come to the Galatian churches and began undermining Paul, demanding the circumcision of all male Christians.

When Paul found out, he was both heartbroken and angry. He wrote this letter in response, challenging the Galatians with a summary of the Gospel message about the crucified Messiah. He argues that this Gospel is what creates the new, multiethnic family of God, truly transforming people through the presence and power of Jesus’ Spirit.​


Who Wrote the Book of Galatians? Christian tradition holds that the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Galatians.


The events described in Galatians take place in the Roman province called Galatia. This letter was likely composed between 47 and 50 C.E.

Curiosities of the Book of Galatians:

Galatians was addressed to a number of churches in the region of Galatia, where Paul had traveled on one of his missionary journeys (ACTS 13-14). He wrote this important letter from a place of deep passion as well as frustration.

Literary Styles:

The book of Galatians is a letter written in prose discourse to the churches in Galatia.

Key Themes:

  • Unity of God’s covenant people.
    Jesus as fulfillment of the law.
    New creation through the power of the Spirit.


  • Galatians can be divided into three parts.

  • Chapters 1-2 begin with God’s family through Jesus.

  • Chapters 3-4 address God’s family as diverse and united in the Spirit.

  • Chapters 5-6 are a reminder of the new creation and the power of the Spirit.

Watch as we explain its major themes and gain a deeper understanding of its place in the biblical story.

The Gospel of Luke explores and documents how Jesus ministered to the poor and marginalized while establishing the Kingdom of God.



  1. What claim is at the heart of Paul’s message in his letter to the Galatians? (Video 3:37-4:16 or read Galatians 2:19-20.

  2. Name three reasons why Paul does not command non-Jewish Christians to observe the Law. (Video 6:20-6:37)

  3. How will non-Jewish Christians learn what matters to God without the Law? (Video 6:38-7:21)


Go Deeper:​

Paul’s letter confronts the Galatians for relying on the laws of Torah (especially circumcision) to ensure they belonged as members of God’s family. He calls this a “different Gospel” because, since the beginning, the real good news has never been about earning an entrance into God’s family. To prove this, Paul points back to Abraham as a prime example, reminding readers that Abraham never earned his right relationship with God. Instead, he believed and trusted God’s promise that one day, all nations would find God’s blessing through him and his descendants. God’s plan has always been to have a family of people who relate to him on the basis of trust, not the Law. The Law, as good as it is, does not provide the power to change—what the Law cannot do, Jesus fully accomplishes.


Through Jesus, the promised offspring of Abraham, God’s blessing comes to all nations. His blessing releases his Spirit to all those who trust Jesus, and his Spirit invites and empowers all humanity to live a new life of love in his family. Followers of Jesus are called to cultivate this new life, but they are not required to be circumcised or keep Jewish customs. Paul says that what really matters is God’s new creation, the family of people who trust in Jesus and learn to love God and others through the power of the Spirit.


1- READ GENESIS 15:1-6 AND GALATIANS 3:6-10 Who does Abraham rely on God to be? What does Abraham rely on God to do? Why does God attribute righteousness to Abraham?

2- How is Abraham’s story an “announcement of the Gospel” (GALATIANS 3:8-9)

3- READ GALATIANS 5:5-6 AND 6: 14-16 According to Paul in these verses, what truly matters, and what does not count for anything?

4- The new creation is a whole new way of life, full of trust and love. As you observe the context of the above passages, what is one example Paul uses to show how trust expresses itself through love. GALATIANS 5:13-14, 5:22-26, 6:1-10)?  What is one way your community could practically live this out?


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